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Hooray you did it!


Hooray you did it, now the adventure begins. Go into the world and do well, but most importantly, go into the world and do good.

A bouquet of 10 stalks of roses, delicious chocolates and a graduation bear to express best of luck on your new beginnings!

List of Chocolates: Ferrero (10pcs), snickers (2pcs), Mars (2pcs), Kinder (2pcs), Cadbury bar (1pcs)

Grad Bear 20cm

Let's make it exclusive with our add ons ⬇️

Foil Balloon (17")

+ RM28.00
+ RM28.00
+ RM28.00
+ RM28.00
+ RM28.00

Ferrero Rocher

+ RM69.00
+ RM39.00
Product price
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